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Giant pine scale infestation

GIANT pine scale continues to infest trees in Melbourne’s south-east suburbs, but Agriculture Victoria will work with affected communities and industries to manage the...

Feasting on Christmas

Far from their home land, Pakenham’s Sudanese residents are preparing to celebrate Christmas in traditional style with a fortnight of fervent singing, dancing, praying...

Certificates for graduates

By Aneeka Simonis PEOPLE from all backgrounds joined together to celebrate their learning achievements. Students learning English as a second language graduated from their Living...

Laundromat thief should come clean

By Alana Mitchelson POLICE have called for public assistance to identify an alleged thief who stole coins from a Pakenham laundromat last month. A man entered...

Award shows Michael is dedicated to the cause

By Alana Mitchelson BERWICK’S Michael Ray has been recognised for his dedication to the St John Ambulance service. The South Region manager of St John Ambulance...

Smart thinking with new ‘first aid’ training

By Alana Mitchelson FORMER AFL footballer Austinn “Aussie” Jones has come on board with Berwick Rotary to promote mental health awareness among the Casey-Cardinia sport...

Dressed to impress

By Alana Mitchelson THE smartly dressed Smits claimed the Best Dressed Family prize at the Pakenham Cup last Saturday. The racegoer Pakenham couple Catherine and Daniel...

Champion result for good sport

By Alana Mitchelson PAKENHAM’S Moira Ryde has been recognised for her years of dedication to making a meaningful difference to the lives of athletes with...

Christmas cheer with room to spare

By Aneeka Simonis EVERY kid loves going to their grandparent’s house - or at least, all of Daphne Valentine’s do. Her 15 grandkids love visiting...

Brace for wild weather

By Alana Mitchelson A SEVERE weather warning has been issued across the state, with damaging winds expected to sweep parts of West and South Gippsland...

Big farm raids

By Aneeka Simonis FARM groups have strongly criticised the use of illegal foreign labour as the nation’s largest asparagus grower is investigated for allegedly using...

Free festive lunch future uncertain

By Alana Mitchelson THIS year’s Cardinia Community Christmas lunch could be the last one, according to volunteers. Event co-ordinator Sue Johns said that after about a...


Gippsland Jersey blindsided by Coles

Gippsland Jersey is taking the fight to Coles after they have largely been pulled from many of the supermarket’s stores including throughout Cardinia. The...