Banks spread the cash

Kooweerup Community Bank grant recipients. 157872_04 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


LANG Lang and Kooweerup Community Bank branches of Bendigo Bank have distributed more than $68,000 worth of grants throughout their communities.
The funding has benefitted 30 schools, sporting clubs, rural fire brigades and other community organisations across the Cardinia Shire region.
The Kooweerup Regional Health Service was granted $2500 towards its soon-to-launch Youth Health Clinic.
KWR Regional Health Service’s Aileen Thoms said the grant would help them purchase basic supplies and equipment.
“We’re launching a service that will be warm and inviting to people aged 12 to 24,” Ms Thoms said.
“We want to create a space for young people to have drop-in sessions for general health assessments from a GP or sessions with our youth workers, psychologists or drug and alcohol workers in a welcoming, non-clinical environment.“
Kooweerup, Cora Lynn, Catani and Lang Lang football clubs, and the Catani and Lang Lang netball clubs also received funding for a range of upgrades.
These include the installation of defibrillators, replacement changerooms, equipment upgrades and construction of a multi-purpose room.
Kooweerup Primary School, Bayles Regional Primary and Lang Lang Primary were awarded grants towards a science program, leadership program, construction of a shelter, and to purchase table and chairs for a breakfast club, while Bayles Rural Fire Brigade’s Tim English was presented $1000 for a crew protection marquee.