Doggone! Burglars steal cash via doggy door

BURGLARS are thought to have crawled through a doggy door to get into a house to steal $50.
Police said a 79-year-old man and his wife were sleeping in their Pakenham home in Main Street when the raiders got in between midnight on Saturday 2 July and 8am on Sunday 3 July.
All that was missing when the couple woke up was $50 cash – but the laundry door, which they told police was locked before they went to bed, was found unlocked in the morning.
The victims said they did not recall seeing or hearing anyone in the house but woke to the sound of their dogs barking during the night.
Police are working on the theory that the offenders got in to the house through the doggy door and left via the laundry door.
Anyone with information about the incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.