Hoof it to competition

The Parklea Pakenham Agricultural and Horticultural Society’s 15th Annual Hoof and Hook (carcase) Competition will be held at the Victorian Livestock Exchange on Saturday 6 December.

The Hoof section will be held under lights at the Victorian Livestock Exchange at 6pm with a dinner followed by the judging at 7pm.
This year’s judge is Colin Wright from Winnindoo.
Commerical and hobby farmers will be given the opportunity to see how their breeds perform. Good farming and animal husbandry techniques as well as climatic condition will have an impact on the final result.
The competition is divided into three classes – 1st 250 to 325 kgs, 2nd 330-385 kgs, 3rd 390-460 kgs liveweight.
The Hook section will be conducted at Radford’s Abattoir on Tuesday 9 December at 9am by Paul Sheedy.
It is very important that exhibitors see how their animals compare when judged using the MSA module guideline where market specification scores will be applied.
This is a very interesting part of the competition.
Paul Sheedy, MSA judge, will only be too happy to explain the allocation of points for the carcase.
All inquiries to co-ordinator Roger Leamon on 5629 1070.