Councillors and politics

COUNCILLORS, like the rest of us mere mortals, have political preferences. I was, however, under the impression that in their privileged role as local government representatives, they did not use their position to espouse the interests of state and federal political parties unless, naturally, they themselves were standing for election.
Your article in the Pakenham Gazette quoting one Cr Blenkhorn, is pure surmise on his part and a blatant attempt to influence the voters of Bass and Gembrook with unsubstantiated waffle. Who cares what this pompous, would-be spin doctor thinks anyway?
As regards future co-operation between the shires of Casey and Cardinia, one wonders what factors are all that common to two very different shires both socially and demographically.
Perhaps Casey (a debtless shire) could be convinced to help bail out Cardinia with its $65 million debt?
As a citizen with no affiliations with any political party, one can only hope that Blenkhorn and his Liberal cohorts in the council will be given the flick at the next local government elections.
One is tired of the pork-barrelling of voters by the current Liberal Government; the huge sums of money and specious priorities.
The worst obscene waste by far to the writer is Napthine’s commitment to hold the Grand Prix in Melbourne for five years. At about $60 million for the single day’s event, this adds up to $300 million of taxpayers’ funding. How many desperately needed hospitals, schools and accommodation for the disadvantaged and needy of Victoria’s population could this huge sum provide? I wonder what Ecclestone’s cut is – what a total disgrace!
John Dudley,