Factory IV comes alive

AN ENTHRALLING double-bill is sure to captivate audiences at The Old Drouin Butter Factory later this month as Andy Cowan and Lost Ragas both take their unique sounds to the stage.
Cowan has built a reputation as a simply brilliant performing songwriter.
He has an iconic voice, which has been compared by some to that of Tom Waites or Leonard Cohen, but his talent extends to his virtuoso piano and keyboard playing – which combine to make him a supreme all-around artist.
Lost Ragas, meanwhile, formed to promote Matt Walker’s 2012 solo album, but they’re now touring to launch their own debut album, Phantom Ride.
Their live shows contain moments quiet enough to hear a pin drop, yet powerful enough to drive a nail into the ground.
This incredible night’s music, branded ‘Live @ The Factory IV’ by promoters Karlstejn Music, will be held on 29 March from 8pm.
Doors open at 7.30pm with drinks at bar prices and nibbles provided. Tickets are $42 and can be purchased at www.trybooking.com/EFOB. Bookings are essential.
For more information, call Bonesy on 0418 429 025 or email bonesy.mackinnon@gmail.com.
Karlstejn Music Inc is a not-for-profit association aimed at supporting live music in the local area.