Chris gets a kick out of state selection

Chris Heckenberg has pushed ahead with his soccer in 2015 - representing Australia in futsal and now a Victorian schoolboys member of the under-19 soccer team. 142561 Picture: JARROD POTTER


CHRIS Heckenberg has played soccer across the world, all throughout Victoria with different clubs and will add another place to his resume – Adelaide.
The Berwick Grammar dynamo will trade his schoolbooks for the School Sports Victoria uniform after gaining selection for the under-19 boys soccer team.
After moving to Australia from California, United States, as a youngster, Heckenberg, from Kallista, made his way from Sherbrooke Ranges through the ranks to his current tasks at Monbulk Soccer Club and now the state schoolboys squad.
While Chris copped a few light-hearted digs from his sister Emma – who made the SSV side before him – he finally got to add to the Heckenbergs’ school soccer success when he made it through the rigorous trials.
“I learnt about it in primary school when my sister Emma made it, she always used to brag about it because she made the primary school team and I didn’t,” Heckenberg said.
“Then one of my friends told me he was trialling for it – I asked the school if they were affiliated then I asked the coach if I could come for a trial.
“I went down and trialled and made it – it was pretty unreal.”
He wants to make the All Star team and with it earn another trip overseas, with the School Sport Australia team heading to the United Kingdom in early 2015 for a series of friendlies against the best English and Welsh schools.
He was an Australian representative in futsal earlier this year and hopes to continue pursuing his international soccer.
“Earlier this year I travelled to Taiwan with the Australian futsal team – that was huge because it’s international,” Heckenberg.
“Played against a few universities, China, Taiwan and Thailand.
“We beat all of them except Taiwan – they killed us 10-1 or something – I found it really good, scored a few goals and it was great.”
“I prefer outdoor (soccer) but futsal is great because you have that freedom cause it’s more of a skills-game.”
He switched from Box Hill United in the NPL1 competition to Monbulk in State League 3 South East this season and is enjoying the move as his side sits near the top of the ladder.
The defensive midfielder models his soccer style on one of the greats – Barcelona midfielder Xavi.
“I like to call myself the Xavi of Monbulk – I don’t really dribble much with it just get it and play it – look for the passes and get the assists, I’m not a goals-and-glory person,” Heckenberg said.
After a 4-0 win on the weekend, Heckenberg’s Rangers sit second in SL3SE behind St Kilda, well in the mix for promotion with only two matches left in the home-and-away season.
Heckenberg wanted to thank his sport coaches, Berwick Grammar School and his parents for their support.
He will represent School Sport Victoria at the Pacific School Games in Adelaide from 21 to 28 November.