First look inside new school

Edenbrook Secondary College is located at 70 Caversham Drive, Pakenham.

By Mitchell Clarke

The community have been given their first official look inside what an average day will look like at Pakenham’s newest public secondary school.

Two new videos have provided families with a virtual tour of Edenbrook Secondary College, as well as an insight into the day-to-day activities of the school.

Edenbrook, which is one 100 new public schools to be built under the State Government, will open to a foundation Year 7 cohort in 2021.

The school, named after the nearby Edenbrook wetlands, has been fully funded for stage one works to include a state-of-the-art STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) building, a visual arts building, learning community and two outdoor play courts.

The school will open to a Year 7 cohort in 2021.

Temporary administration facilities – including reception, staff offices and a sick bay – will initially be housed within the visual arts building, until further funding can be accessed through State Budgets.

Once future stages have been completed, the school buildings will cater for a maximum 1200 student enrolment.

Students will begin their school day with a mentor group at 8.53am, and have five classes of just under an hour, before the school day finishes at 3pm.

An artist impression of the visual arts building.

They will be required to wear a compulsory yet “stylish and practical” uniform, made up of a mix of dark green and navy blue colours.

The school has elected to teach French as an official language, and English will be offered as a second language, if required.

Founding principal Johanna Walker said she was “absolutely delighted” to introduce herself to the school community.

Ms Walker has been working in education across a number of sectors since the mid 1990s.

“I really do feel that having a variety of experiences has really enabled me to have some depth in my career and have a lot that I can add to a school,” she said.

An artist impression of the school”s outdoor courtyard.

“I have been principal prior to accepting this role and have found working at a number of schools (has been) just a great way to get to know people and really hone my expertise before coming here.

“I really feel strongly that a great secondary school gives students opportunities to explore, ignites their passions and allows them to work collaboratively with other staff and students.”

Ms Walker’s senior teaching team will feature Zoe Carolan and Daniel Webber as assistant principals, while Joanne Clifton has been appointed business manager.

An artist impression of the school”s learning community area.

Ms Walker said the Edenbrook teaching staff would hold “really high” expectations of students and their engagement with the curriculum.

“We’re really wanting to give them the opportunity to experience a range of situations, subjects and experiences that are really going to drive them with what they’re going to with their lives once they’ve left the school,” she said.

“I think it’s going to be great to welcome the Year 7s next year to start on the exciting journey … I can’t wait for it to start.”

Edenbrook Secondary College is located at 70 Caversham Drive, Pakenham.