Strikers school of hard Knox

Mark Comini has been in impressive form for Bunyip, impressing his team mates Dion Pavlic and Garon Pearce. 234457 Pictures: GARY SISSONS

By David Nagel

Bunyip has maintained its competitive start to its State League 5 South campaign with a 2-2 result against South East United at Bunyip on Saturday.

The Strikers conceded a first-half goal before answers from Dean Schembri and Liam Lenders saw the home side take a 2-1 lead with 15 minutes left on the clock.

The Strikers looked set for a come-from-behind victory before United captain Said Uygur levelled scores after two minutes of injury time.

It’s been an up and down start to the season for the Strikers, who now have two wins, two losses and a draw to sit in sixth place in the 12-team competition.

Saturday’s one-point result followed the Strikers best performance of the season against Knox in round four.

The Strikers wasted no time in putting their stamp on the game with Nicholas Yong bagging the first of a double in the opening minute of play.

Mark Comini then found the back of the net in the 17th minute before Yong struck again four minutes later. Knox was powerless to stop the Strikers who played their best 20 minutes of football for the season.

The referee was certainly kept busy with seven yellow cards being shown – four to Bunyip and three to the visitors.

Captain Ed Walker led from the front for the Strikers, while Dimitri Sougioultzis did a great job in goals, helping the team to its first clean sheet of the season.

Simon Chea, Jamie Faithfull, Elijah Gameau and Ryan Mackie were also effective for the winners, with Dion Pavlic, Garon Pearce and Dean Schembri rounding out a slick and classy starting list.

The Strikers face a big challenge at home this week, hosting fourth-placed Aspendale.

The actions kicks off on Saturday at 3pm.