Bunyip unites for cancer support

Brodie, Hudson and Erin with fairy face painter Vanessa. 414288 Pictures: STEWART CHAMBERS

By Matthew Sims

The Bunyip community has dug deep in support of the Bunyip Biggest Morning Tea event.

The Vietnam Veterans Motorcycle Club (VVMC) Gippsland Chapter in Longwarry hosted the event, which helped raise $3351 at the time of publication in support of the Cancer Council.

Local organiser Quintilla Simsir said she was grateful to the support of the VVMC members and other community members before and during the event.

“Not only did you guys support me but jumped on board when I had no helpers rock up and supported me through thick and thin,“ she said.

“Words can’t describe how much this means to me.“

A range of local businesses donated prizes and showed off their wares on the day, while other attractions included face painting, a visit from Henry the Bunyip and live music.

Ms Simsir said this was her first year organising the event after hearing the story of local Garry Bodsworth who lost his wife to cancer at the start of the year.

“It made me realise there is no-support network, everyone relies on social media these days and after the pandemic, it really took its toll on some people,“ she said.

“I not only wanted a support network but also to support locals near and far and bring back the livelihood of communities by helping to raise funds to those affected, each and everyone of us, one way or another.“

To donate to the cause, visit biggestmorningtea.com.au/fundraisers/bunyipcommunity