Shitbox adventure for cancer research

Adam Green and Michael Rumney. PICTURES STEWART CHAMBERS 407979_02

By Corey Everitt

The Shitbox Rally, one of the biggest fundraising events for cancer research in the country, is back this winter and some locals are gearing up for the long trip to Alice Springs.

Cranbourne locals Adam Green and Michael Rumney have entered into the rally where they will be challenged – among many others – to travel from Melbourne to Alice Springs in a car worth only $1500.

The daunting challenge is done to raise funds for the Cancer Council, shitbox rallies run multiple times a year and have raised a total of $46.3 million since its inception.

This year’s winter rally stands at $1.7 million with more weeks of fundraising to come to reach it’s goal of $2 million.

Adam and Michael’s team name is called ‘2 Old Farts from Spare Parts’, they have done the rallies several times before and keep participating for the cause and also the fun.

“It’s a sense of adventure and the cause is what it is all about,” Adam said.

“Cancer affects everyone, my parents had it, my sisters got it and I lost a brother-in-law to it.

“It’s everywhere and whatever we can do to help research and find a cure, we’ll do it.”

Their record from previous runs hit the $7000 mark, several weeks out from the rally they have hit over $8000 with the hopes that it will cross $10000.

“A lot of fun, a lot of work running trivia nights and Bunnings barbecues,” Adam said.

“There have been lots of donations, from some businesses and mostly everyday people you would pass on the street.”

They will be taking a 2005 Mitsubishi Magna wagon, only cosmetic additions have been made beyond getting it registered and roadworthy.

No money is spent to fix the car up so it can all go to the fundraiser, furthermore it adds to the fun of getting the car approximately 2,000 kilometres through some of the roughest roads in the country.

The rally starts on Saturday 15 June and they will get to Alice Springs the following Friday 21 June, either in their own car or the back of someone else’s.

To donate to ‘Two Old Farts from Spare Parts’ go to