Pakenham Bike Hub opens

407937_09 Ari Hatzis on a Tall Bike in pouring rain.

By Corey Everitt

Pakenham gained a unique community asset this week with the opening of the brand-new bike repair hub which aims to bring riders together to learn and support each other.

The hub was opened on Sunday 19 May at Living & Learning Pakenham. Despite the rain many local bike enthusiasts showed to welcome the community project.

Pakenham Bike Repair Hub will be volunteer-run, a place where people cannot only repair their bicycles but learn how to do it themselves.

The ethos is among many other community-driven projects at Living & Learning, this addition brings Pakenham into the fold of only a handful of similar hubs across the State.

Event organiser Max Godber said this hub is vital with so few bike shops left in town.

“There used to be 3 bicycle shops, a couple of them were family run, all important for the community,” he said.

“But now there is only one and it’s not family run and very expensive because it caters to the high end enthusiasts.

“We aim to encourage support and help people learn more about their bikes and about repairing them.”

There are many different ideas planned for the hub in the future, currently it aims to have two sessions a week starting in June.

One on Tuesday afternoons from 3pm and the other on Saturday mornings from 11am.

To keep in touch or get involved you can follow the facebook page ‘Pakenham Bike Repair Hub’ or email Max at