Nominations open for Stan Henwood Awards

2023's Stan Henwood Award winner Jeff Latter. Picture: CARDINIA SHIRE COUNCIL

Community members are encouraged to submit a nomination for the Stan Henwood Awards to recognise a local legend who has dedicated their time and efforts to improving and enriching the Cardinia Shire community.

The annual Stan Henwood Award honours the late Stan Henwood OAM for his lifetime contribution to the Tynong community and the municipality, and recognises individuals who have made outstanding, long-term contributions to the local community.

Stan volunteered for and was a member of the Tynong Hall Committee, the Tynong Recreation Reserve Committee and the Make A Wish Foundation, Tynong Tennis Club, the West Gippsland Tennis Association, Tynong Fire Brigade and Tynong Progress Association.

Beyond Cardinia Shire’s borders, he received a Medal from the Prime Minister for service to sport and an Order of Australia for Service to the Community.

Nominations must be submitted online via the SmartyGrants portal, which will require the nominator to register an account before they can prepare and submit a nomination form.

Nominees must have made a significant contribution to community services in Cardinia Shire, have not previously received the award and must not have been a Cardinia Shire councillor within the last four years.

The award winner will be announced and celebrated at council’s National Volunteer Week reception in May 2024.

For more information about the Stan Henwood Award, including eligibility criteria and how to nominate, visit or call the Cardinia Shire Council Connected Communities team on 1300 787 624.

For more information about volunteering, visit council’s website at or call the Customer Service team on 1300 787 624.

Nominations can be submitted online at until Sunday 10 March.