Peter Combe visits Cardinia kids

Front, Abbie, Madison and Alix; back, Levi, Brooke, Peter Combe, Ruby and Zac. Pictures: Supplied

By Corey Everitt

Students and teachers had a special morning last week filled with joyous singing, as renowned children’s musician Peter Combe paid a visit to perform at Cardinia Primary School.

The Adelaide musician’s songs were played for weeks in the lead up to his visit. Students effectively knew Mr Combe’s classic songs by the time he performed on Friday 24 November.

“It was absolutely fantastic, the students were the most excited I have ever seen them,” principal Susan Wepster said.

“They had all learnt the songs in the lead up, so they all joined in the singing.”

Mr Combe came along to perform, after a parent saw he was in Victoria and reached out to ask if he would play for the kids in Cardinia.

“He had a great time, he loved that they joined in. For one of his songs called Planet Earth, he said we were the first school to sing that all the round, it was fantastic,” Ms Wepster said.

“He was more than happy to do it, it was just a fabulous morning.”

Getting to the end of term, Cardinia Primary capped off the year with something to remember.

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