About Town


Tinsel town

Keen-eyed Gazette reader Linda Watson spotted an unusual Christmas decoration at Pakenham Central Marketplace recently, in the form of the Guide Dogs donation box being dressed up with tinsel.

Hungry hounds

Caldermeade Farm transformed into a race track for this year’s running of the Australian Basset Hound Races.

However, not all of the racers had their eyes on the prize, with many reports indicating they were distracted by the smell of barbecue sausages wafting through the air.

Solemn service

Upon arrival at the Remembrance Day service in Berwick, many attendees noticed a woman holding a ‘Honk for Refugees’ sign on the intersection of Princes Highway and Clyde Road.

While many passersby showed their appreciation for her messaging, it appeared as though she quickly realised the noise would interrupt the service and decided to relocate.

While the weather mostly held off during the service, a rogue gust of wind blew over a basket full of poppies, with Berwick MP Brad Battin emerging from the crowd and helping Berwick Returned and Services League’s Peter Beams to help refill the basket and allowing the proceedings to continue.

Lucky ducklings

A group of local firies made a daring rescue of a flock of ducklings from a drain on Saturday 4 November thanks to a quick-thinking mother duck.

CFA crews from the Narre Warren CFA fire brigade rescued 12 ducklings after receiving reports that the ducklings had fallen into a drain behind Amberley Park Shopping Centre.

Responding to a call at 6.52pm on Saturday 4 November, the crew spent 10 minutes searching when the mother duck guided them to the right drain, anxiously circling the drain as she watched the firefighters remove the debris from the drain covering before lifting the drain cover.

Narre Warren fifth lieutenant Aaron Chitaranjan said when they managed to gain access to the drain, they found the ducklings huddled together.

“One by one we picked them up and put them in a box with the mother duck watching from a distance,” he said.

All ducklings were safely removed from the drain and reunited with their mother.