Community focus at festival

Cousins Patience (two years old, left), Forrest (12 months old, top right) and Duke (eight years old, front right) with Pakenham SES volunteers Dee Azzopardi and Bernadette Behrtel . 320120_02

Upper Beaconsfield’s community spirit was on display at the annual Village Festival.

Community group displays, food trucks, kids activities and a CFA commemorative display were some of the highlights of the Upper Beaconsfield Village Festival which was held on Sunday 19 February.

Upper Beaconsfield Village Festival president Rosemary Hawke said it was a fantastic day with an impressive community turn out.

“From all accounts everyone was really happy,” she said.

“The Water Tower run had about 270 people, and we had only made enough medallions for 250, so the Men’s Shed were up the night before making more – it went really really well.”

Berwick MP Brad Battin announced the town hall bell ringing at 9am to commence the festival.

“There were so many different things going on,” Rosemary said.

“The kids activities all really different – we had interactive play, circus acts and a silent disco. Everyone was talking about the one man band Uptown Brown and the Irish dancing.”