Domestic violence housing crisis

Cases of family violence continued to rise in 2021, and there was (and still is) an urgent need for more affordable housing for victims. 258243_01

By Gabriella Payne

Victoria’s numerous lockdowns in 2021 combatted the Covid-19 pandemic, but they sadly saw another invisible threat take hold – an affordable housing crisis which impacted (and is still impacting) some of our most vulnerable community members.

Cases of domestic violence steadily increased over the past year, which saw local support services being pushed to the brink, receiving thousands of calls for help in Melbourne’s south east and leaving victims with few places to turn.

In November, the Gazette featured a double page spread on the domestic violence housing crisis, speaking with numerous sources in a bid to raise awareness of this growing issue.

Robyn Roberts, the General Manager at family violence and housing support service WAYSS, said that they had witnessed a record number of victims reaching out for help since the pandemic had taken hold.

“We know family violence is the biggest cause of homelessness for women and children, and during the pandemic women and children have been escaping unsafe situations and coming to WAYSS in larger numbers than ever before,“ Ms Roberts said.

“Last financial year we had more than 8,500 family violence reports referred to WAYSS, a 4 per cent increase on the previous financial year.

“Our family violence refuges are full and many of our families are not moving because there is nowhere for them to move to.“

Ms Roberts said that with “very few suitable housing options“ on the market, many victims sadly remained “in a state of paralysis“ and were unable to move on with their lives.

“There is just not enough affordable housing stock for people on low incomes, especially those who are dependent on government benefits,“ she said.

“As a result, people end up staying in short term crisis accommodation and other substandard living environments because there is no other option.

“This is incredibly stressful and dehumanising for people who deserve more.“

Ms Roberts said that urgent action needed to be taken to fix the housing crisis and help those in need.

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, you can get help 24/7 by calling the Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre on 1800 015 188.