Students save the day

John Henry Primary School student Kylie on the playground as Spiderman. Pictures: STEWART CHAMBERS 210330_01

By Jessica Anstice

To mark what has been a challenging term, staff and students at John Henry Primary School in Pakenham have ended the first half of the school year on a high note by taking part in ‘Superweek’.

Each day during the week staff members were paired up to complete a nice deed for one another, while students were asked to write down a positive statement about a staff member that had helped them throughout the term.

John Henry Primary School Emre (centre) dressed up as a real life superhero, a surgeon. Emre is pictured with students Gurnaaz and Dhuv. 210330_05

The positive notes were then pinned to a display board in the school’s office for all to read.

On Friday, students and staff members dressed as their favourite superhero in exchange for a gold coin donation towards the State Schools’ Relief.

The State Schools Relief is a government initiative that helps families who are facing hardship with the cost of new school uniforms, shoes and other essential items.

John Henry Primary School students Brooker and Myka with teacher Doug Pumpa. 210330_06

To date, John Henry Primary School has raised around $1500 for State Schools’ Relief.

“It has been a great way to finish the term on a positive note,” John Henry Primary School assistant Principal Aaron Bickery said.

“Once again all staff at John Henry Primary School want to thank our amazing community for staying so positive throughout the challenges of Covid-19 and we wish them all a happy and safe holidays.”

Star Wars fans Noah and Tanishka. 210330_04