Neighbours fume over backyard ‘tip’

The state of the backyard a little while ago.

By Jessica Anstice

A Pakenham couple is contemplating moving suburbs after having put up with a rowdy public housing tenant as a neighbour for more than 18 months now.

Junk is piled up in the James Court backyard, so much so that it is leaning against the neighbouring fence, causing it to tilt.

The home-owners next door, who wish to remain anonymous, claim their foul-mouth neighbour has made their lives almost unbearable.

“The woman sits out the front of her house, on a crate, and screams her head off at the top of her voice – it’s crazy,” the neighbour said.

“Her yelling wakes us up every hour of every night. It’s like she’s yodelling and the language is disgusting. They need to put a rated R sign in front of the house.

“All of the neighbours are complaining about it and people who don’t live around here even ask us: ‘how do you live next door to that?’”

Repeated outbursts aren’t the only thing causing the neighbours’ frustration, they have nicknamed the property’s front and backyard ‘Pakenham’s tip’.

From hoarding old furniture, clothing, mattresses, buckets, cardboard boxes and wood to crates, traffic cones and supermarket trolleys, the backyard is an absolute monstrosity.

“We just had a hard rubbish collection and it seems they didn’t get rid of anything,” a neighbour said.

“They even used to hang their washing over our fence because they ripped the clothesline off their brick wall.

“We walk out the back and see rats sun baking on the fence – it’s a nightmare.”

The neighbours claim that they even discovered illicit drugs on the property’s front lawn.

According to the concerned neighbours, the woman often has people boarding in her home – particularly in the garage.

“She’s had that many boarders in there and they are always coming and going,” the person said.

“I’m often home by myself and I have got to put up with the crap. It’s just a terrible thing to have to live next to.

“We’ve put up with so much and for so long. Once we get the fence fixed we might start looking to move houses.”