Gazette now free for all

Star News Group managing director Paul Thomas.

Access to reliable information is never more important than in a time of crisis.

As such, the Gazette’s audience has skyrocketed over the past few weeks as we negotiate the many twists and turns of the Covid-19 outbreak.

Clearly our news and content is highly valued and, during these troubled times of crisis, the local community is turning to a news source they can trust.

The Gazette, owned by local family company Star News Group, is itself under significant duress, but believes it has a vital role to play in this crisis and needs to be accessible to everyone.

Star News Group managing director Paul Thomas said that, given the current unprecedented situation and our important role to provide local, trusted, relevant community news, the company would open up the Gazette paywall and digital edition to new subscribers and offer a free six month subscription.

“We are doing everything we can, as a family owned media business, to make it through this crisis and we thank everyone for your support,” said Star managing director Paul Thomas.

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