Council – ‘be kind to each other’

Cardinia Shire Council''s Officer headquarters is closed. 138931_01

By Mitchell Clarke

Cardinia Shire Council is urging the community to stay informed and heed government warnings during these unprecedented times.

“We encourage our community to follow government directions and to be kind to each other during this time,” Cardinia Shire Council CEO Carol Jeffs said.

“Due to the rapidly evolving nature of this pandemic, council will continue to reassess the situation and take into consideration any further developments and advice from health authorities.

“We are working incredibly hard to be able to continue to deliver essential services, modify delivery where we need to, and protect the health of our community and staff.”

Essential services such as maternal and child health, immunisations and waste services will continue to be delivered, however some modifications have been made.

“Council is committed to working and delivering as many services as we can,” Ms Jeffs said.

“These are services that are really important to our wellbeing… most of our services are continuing but in a modified service.”

Maternal and child health centres have closed, with a fully booked, over-the-phone consultation service to continue from 8.30am to 5pm – the number for parents to call is 5943 4250.

My Place youth centre will remain open until Friday 27 March from 2-5pm by appointment only with strictly no drop-ins.

Teenage school holiday programs have been cancelled but the council’s youth services team will continue to be available by phone on 1800 496 884 during business hours.

Meanwhile, a number of council facilities will close or amend services to meet government guidelines and to reduce the risk to community and staff.

The council’s customer service centre in Officer has closed however the customer service team can still be contacted during business hours on 1300 787 623.

The Cardinia Cultural Centre is closed however the Vista cafe remains open for take-away service.

Aligned Leisure facilities including Cardinia Life and the Pakenham Regional Tennis Centre have also been closed.

“We understand that these facilities are highly utilised and valued by our community, but closing these facilities is in the best interest of the health and wellbeing of our community,” mayor Jeff Springfield said.

“We have made these decisions in line with government recommendations, and in the interest of protecting our community, particularly those who are more vulnerable.

“We’re working closely with government agencies, as well as our community. We apologise for any inconvenience and sincerely thank our community for your understanding and cooperation.”

For a comprehensive list of affected services and up-to-date information, visit the council’s dedicated webpage