Parents feed teen booze crisis

The Mayor is calling on parents to help combat teen drinking. 146783_03 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

By Kyra Gillespie

Council is urging parents to step up in the fight against teen drug and alcohol abuse.
The Cardinia Alcohol and Other Drugs Action Group, together with the Cardinia Shire Council, has established a website where parents can make a pledge and receive tips on how to discuss the responsible use of alcohol with their teen.
The action group hopes joining forces will empower parents to start the conversation with their teenager about responsible alcohol use.
A 2015 report into alcohol and substance abuse within Cardinia Shire found that parents were the main supplier of alcohol to students.
The Communities that Care report found that in Cardinia Shire, the prevalence of substance use, anti-social behaviour and depressive symptoms is progressively higher from Year 6 to 10.
Alcohol consumption levels are at 22 per cent in Year 6, 36 per cent in Year 8, and 52 per cent in Year 10.
Of these numbers, parents are the main supplier in 60 per cent of cases for Year 6’s, 58 per cent for Year 8’s and 36 per cent for Year 10’s.
Alcohol is responsible for one third of deaths and injuries for under 18s.
Cardinia Shire Mayor, Cr Collin Ross says education is the first step to resolving the issue in the municipality.
“Education is the simplest solution. One size doesn’t fit all people so a resource which helps parents and those who are struggling in this space is a really positive addition to what we already have.
“A big frustration for council has been how easy it is to get hold of packaged liquor in the shire.
“Almost every supermarket now has a packed liquor store attached to it. We at council prefer for these stores to be somewhere out of the way, a place where people can’t just walk to get more alcohol once they’ve run out.
“The easier you make it the bigger the issue becomes.”
The Cardinia Pledge Project is supported by the Victorian Government and will complement the Smart Generation Program, currently operating in local schools.
Parents can take the pledge or receive information about how to discuss alcohol use with their teenager at