Stall raises big bucks for Red Cross

Leone, Jane and Glenys with the array of goods on offer. 173714 Picture: ROB CAREW

Jams, baked goods and plants have helped the Berwick Upper Beaconsfield Red Cross fund-raise $430.
The group’s Saturday 14 October High Street stall was a smashing success, with locals taking advantage of the goods on offer.
Publicity officer Glenys Collins said the group raised $430, which included $86 in donations.
“It was a great success … the public are always so generous to Red Cross,” Ms Collins said.
She said the stall was the beginning of a wind-down period for the group.
Following a high tea on 22 November at Edrington Village, the blood bank at Narre Warren North from 30 October to 3 November and a Christmas break-up on 8 December, the group will have a respite ahead of the New Year.
Ms Collins said there were lots of exciting things planned by the group for 2018.