White’s therapy is art

Laura White with her two paintings up for auction. Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS 165564

By Bonny Burrows

As a sufferer of chronic illness, Laura White knows the importance of medical research and donations.
So when the opportunity presented itself to donate her artwork in this year’s Art for Epilepsy auction she jumped at the chance.
The Berwick artist has created two oil paintings for the Epilepsy Action Australia (EAA) fund-raiser and will donate all proceeds to the organisation.
EAA provides education and support services to 250,000 Australians who have epilepsy- a condition defined by recurrent seizures caused by the disruption of the normal electrochemical activity of the brain.
“I try to be involved in organisations and charities that have a strong standing,” Ms White said.
“And having chronic illnesses, art is my therapy. So when Epilepsy Auction Australia approached me, I jumped on board.”
Ms White has only been painting for three years, after leaving a State Government job after 25 years, but has quickly gained the attention of interstate galleries for her still-art paintings, along with international buyers.
She now works full-time from her home studio creating realism pieces inspired by her love of food, gardening and nature.
Her two pieces for auction are heavily influenced by nature and feature flowers. She hopes whoever purchases them, is inspired by the work EAA does and is encouraged to “stop and take a minute to see things through my eyes”.
“My aim is to engage the viewer not only with their sense of sight, but also that of touch, taste and smell,” she said.
“Since starting to paint, I find myself looking at things with a greater intensity; truly looking at the colours, textures, contrasts, reflections and hues.”
Ms White’s work is available for bidding at www.artforepilepsy.com.au
Bidding closes on 26 March at 9pm.