Greenos make Christmas a little brighter for many


By Alana Mitchelson

THE Greenos have done it again.
After going all out for the AFL Grand Final and Halloween, their Lakeside home is now fully decked out with vibrant Christmas decorations and dazzling fairy lights.
Jodie Greeno said it took the family three days to complete, with still final touches to be added in the lead-up to Christmas Day.
“We have been collecting bit by bit each year since moving to the area in 2007. It’s a huge job,” she said.
“We do it for the kids – and the big kids! That’s what makes it worthwhile, just people loving it.
“Neighbours and passerbys just thank us for the amount of effort we go to each year and for bringing smiles to their kids’ faces.
“That’s why we do it every year, it brings so much happiness to everyone. We also have Christmas carols playing and a bubble machine.”
The Greenos are looking forward to spending Christmas with both sides of the family.
“That’s what Christmas is all about,” Jodie said.
“We have so much fun when we are all together.”