Major is guest speaker

Major Guy Warnock and his wife Major Caroline Greaves with proud parents Keith and Norma Warnock.

MORE than 200 residents and friends attended the Anzac Day service at Cardinia Waters Village on Monday.
MC for the day was John Cleland and he introduced the guest speaker, Major Guy Warnock. Major Warnock, who is the son of village residents Keith and Norma Warnock, gave an interesting and informative address. Major Warnock was accompanied by his wife, Major Caroline Greaves.
Resident Norm Rissinich recited The Ode after fellow resident Jim Harrison had lowered the flag to half-mast. The wreath was laid by residents Charles and Fran Stewart who recently celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary.
The Last Post was played by former resident, Walter Woods, and the National Anthem was sung by the Village Singers. Residents were invited to lay sprigs of rosemary at the wreath, and the flag was raised to end the ceremony.
The residents then adjourned to the community centre where morning tea was served. The village singers then led the residents in a sing-along of well-known wartime melodies. The day was well organised by the village social and events committees.