Monash widened to Pakenham in new upgrade plan

The Monash Freeway widening project will share in $1.5 billion federal funding.


COMMONWEALTH money locked away for the defunct East West Link project will be poured into upgrading the Monash Freeway in a major federal infrastructure funding commitment.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is set to soon make the major $1.5 billion cash injection announcement aimed at improving road infrastructure across Victoria.
The Monash Freeway will share in the huge federal cash injection, and for the first time, the proposal seeks to bring the upgrade all the way to Cardinia Road in Pakenham.
It is expected $500 million will be put toward adding two extra lanes to the often-congested freeway as part of the spending splurge from Warrigal Road, Chadstone to Cardinia Road, Pakenham.
A further $3 billion will be committed to the East West Link, if a future government decides to build it.
However, Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas told 3AW that project would not go ahead under Labor.
“The people of Victoria voted for it not to happen,” he said.
The State Government has not received Federal funding for the Western Distributor project despite pleas to the Commonwealth.