Roadside mowing ahead of fire season

VicRoads is preparing roads in Cardinia for the fire season. 146784_01


VICROADS has recently begun roadside grass mowing and tree trimming to reduce bushfire risk and severity in Cardinia this summer.
VicRoads Metro South East director of Operations Michael Barker said the work occurred each November and December in areas considered especially prone to fire.
“We are expecting a long, hot and dry summer, following on from a lack of rain over the southern half of Australia so far this year,” Mr Barker said.
“We are in what is classed as an ‘above normal’ fire season, so early preparation is critical.”
He went on to say that roads play a critical role in evacuation during bushfires and allow emergency vehicles access to affected areas.
“There are four main objectives for bushfire management on roads; to prevent fires on roadsides, contain roadside fires, ensure the safety of road users and provide control lines,” he said.
“By slashing roadside grass on key routes, there is less likelihood of fires taking off or gaining momentum, while a clear road can provide a firebreak.”
Mowing has already begun within the shires of Yarra Ranges and Cardinia, with others to follow shortly.
VicRoads has worked in collaboration with local government, emergency services and the Department of Land, Water and Planning to determine which roads should be prioritised.