Building sites ransacked

Homes under renovation in Cardinia Shire have been hit by callous burglars. 138425 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


A HOME under construction in Pakenham was ransacked while another in Bunyip was pilfered by thieves over the weekend, sparking security fears for new home owners and renovators across Cardinia Shire.
Between 6pm on Wednesday 7 October and 9am on Thursday 8 October, a multi-storey home under construction in Johnson Place in Pakenham was targeted by burglars who ripped through the home, leaving an $11,500 destruction bill.
Cardinia Crime Investigation Unit’s (CIU) Detective Sergeant Phil Jury said offenders smashed 12 windows during the overnight raid as well as cut off the electrical wiring running along the floor and smashed the plumbing fittings.
During the same period, another home under construction in Riverside Avenue, Bunyip, was targeted.
Between 5pm on Wednesday 7 October and 7am on Thursday 8 October, 12 temporary fencing panels were stolen from the premises.
The panels were estimated to have cost $900.
Earlier this year, the Gazette reported on a spate of ransacking incidents impacting homes under renovation in Pakenham and Officer’s fast developing housing estates.
Pakenham Senior Sergeant Nathan Prowd told the Gazette new housing estates were commonly targeted by thieves due to the lack of neighbours and eyewitnesses to report thefts.
“Our members carry out patrols in these areas as regularly as possible,” he said.
According to newly released building statistics, housing developments are continuing to skyrocket in the Officer, Pakenham and Beaconsfield area.
Between July 2014/15, 615 new homes were built in the Officer and Beaconsfield area while 557 were constructed in Pakenham.