Booked in for health class

Elise Sefton with her daughter Shari. 140814 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


NAR NAR GOON’S creative littlies put pen to paper in recent weeks, spinning out a number of imaginative stories celebrated at a school event last week.
Grade 1 and 2 students from St James Primary School launched their own picture story books with local literary expert Alison Lester on Tuesday 23 June.
The books, which focussed on health and wellbeing issues, were the product of six weeks of hard work in the classroom according to Grade 1/2 teacher Bernadette Hance.
“The children have been working on their stories for the past six weeks in readiness to show off their books to anyone who was willing to come along,” she said.
“The children embraced the idea through planning first, thinking about ideas, making links to healthy eating and changing the thinking of their characters through their books.”
Ms Lester sat with each of the children, reading out their books and encouraging them in their literary endeavours.
“Alison then showed the children how to complete some special water colouring technique and the students were thrilled to have an illustrator demonstrate her unique style,” Ms Hance said.
The students invited their families to attend and the hall was abuzz with the excitement of mums, dads, grandparents and fellow students who each provided feedback about their books.