Guiding destinies of youth

Pakenham resident Joan Vogels has been included on the 2015 Queen's Birthday Honours List. 140030_02 Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS


For service to youth through the Guiding movement.
JOAN Vogels jokes that she must have ‘yes’ tattooed on her forehead.
The Pakenham resident has devoted countless hours to local groups yet graciously insists she cannot take full credit for any of her achievements.
“Nobody does anything alone,” she said.
“I’m getting this award but an awful lot of people have been involved with me.”
Joan has had a close association with the Girl Guides since she joined them as a child in 1947.
A strong believer in the benefits of Guiding for young girls, she felt it was important to give back to the organisation that had provided that foundation for her.
“It’s a wonderful all-rounding opportunity for girls, even today.
“They become excellent citizens.
She paid back her debt tenfold, taking on the role of a Brownie and Guide leader in Sydney, Hobart and Melbourne from 1954-1974.
She still keeps in touch with some of the girls in her first Brownie group – “they’re grandmothers now,” she laughs.
In 1976, Joan became a member of the Trefoil Guild, an adult group that wishes to continue to uphold the spirit of Guiding.
She credits the years she spent with the Girl Guides as encouraging her to volunteer elsewhere.
“It’s Guides that lead me to work in other areas of the community,” she said.
“It has been spiritually fulfilling as well.”
She has been a member of the Pakenham Uniting Church since 1995, and is now an elder at the church, describing the role as “someone who takes on responsibility for the welfare of others.”
She has also taken on that responsibility at the Probus Club of Pakenham, where she has been a member since 1997.
Currently she is tour organiser, and over the years has held the roles of president, newsletter editor and organiser of guest speakers.
Seeing the satisfaction and gratitude of the other members makes it a worthwhile experience for Joan.
“They are the greatest people – they’re easy to please and so friendly,” she said.
“No matter where you take them, they have a good time.”
She is also a current member of the Pakenham East Probus Club, where she served as inaugural president in 2006.
She is a current member of the Cardinia Shire Council Australia Day Committee and previously held the role of secretary on the Yakkerboo Festival Committee.
Despite raising four children, Joan always found time for engaging in the community, and says she has benefitted most from her involvement.
“You get out more than you put in.
“I have a great circle of friends that I’ve met. Everyday, I’m out doing something, keeping very busy.
“If anything went wrong for me, I know I could just put my hand on the phone and someone would be there to help me.”
She says she is delighted to be included on this year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours List.
“I wasn’t expecting it, but I’m very honoured that someone thought I was worthy of nomination.”
“It’s exciting to be recognised in this way.”