Milestone in kids’ health

Alyssa and Kayla getting a healthy serve of H2O.


BAYLES Regional Primary School celebrated a shire-wide milestone health achievement last week.
The primary school was first to reach the ‘Celebration’ stage of Cardinia Shire Council’s Healthy Together Victoria initiative.
Students and staff were elated to receive the Department of Health’s certificate on Thursday 26 March which recognised them as having achieved three of the eight benchmarks under the health revolution program.
Students spent the day getting physical in a range of sporting activities which were a welcome sight for Healthy Together Achievement Program state-wide manager Emma Harris and council’s children’s facilitator Julie Hobbs.
“This is a fantastic achievement and I’m excited to continue to hear about the great work and leadership this school takes into the future,” Ms Harris said.
Flush-faced students retreated back into the classroom after play and enjoyed a range of healthy food platters prepared by parents.
The school’s Healthy Together Initiative co-ordinator Courtney Bastin said it was a proud moment watching the students get enjoyment out of the program that nourished them inside and out.
“We are very proud of our school community for their commitment to the initiative – we would not have achieved such success without the support,” she said.
Students were given free drink bottles, stickers, temporary tattoos and toothpaste during their celebration event.
The Healthy Together Achievement Program aims to tackle the rising rate of obesity and a range of other chronic diseases by encourage a united community approach to better health.