Cruise for life


‘CRUISE for Chev’ is taking off on April 12 at 11am to raise funds and awareness for Beyond Blue, mental health, depression and Beaconsfield resident Nichole Hussey’s charity, Preventing Suicide in Youth.
The ride will start at ‘C & M Motoring’ in Pakenham in honour of owners Clint and Melissa Donne’s late friend, Chev Fernando.
“Originally it was just going to be a get together with some of his best mates and it blew up pretty quick, we thought it was a good opportunity to raise awareness and help prevent others from doing the same thing,” Mr Donne said.
The fundraiser has already attracted close to 2000 people on the event Facebook page.
“Our workshop in Pakenham was the last place he drove to and we thought we‘d leave from the same place he last cruised to,” Mr Donne said.
The cruise to Lardner Park Warragul costs $10 for cars and bikes to participate with stickers donated by Benher Signs and ribbons that can be hung from car aerials sold on the day.
The fundraiser is planned to become an annual event held on Chev’s birthday.
Donations can be made on the day and food and drink will be available at the start and finish lines.