Cash for crime clampdown

Cardinia Shire Council has received almost $400,000 in crime prevention funding since 2011, the State Government has claimed.
Crime Prevention Minister Edward O’Donohue said the money had funded 18 diverse crime prevention projects in the region.
However a majority of the funds were spent on $250,000 worth of upgrades for the delapidated Bourke Park.
The park was officially re-launched in June following anti-social behaviour in the area.
The Gazette reported in June that several residents took to social media, calling the area “barely child friendly”.
Several sporting and community clubs received funding for improved security including $8100 for the Emerald Scout Hall, Bunyip Football Club ($9357), Pakenham Bowls Club $4356) and Hillview Bunyip Aged Care ($8636).
Almost $40,000 has been allocated to eradicating graffiti, including $19,094 for tagging in Cockatoo, and $20,000 for Graff-Attack Pack Project and Anti-Graffiti Coating Project in Pakenham.
Minister O’Donohue also announced $125,000 to establish the Communities That Care program in Cardinia recently, which includes funding for the second phase of the Smart Generation Project where community leaders will receive training to provide effective programs for young people.
It will targets anti-social behaviour, alcohol and drug abuse and reduce school dropouts and sexual risk taking.
“This will help lay the foundations for a safer, stronger community in the Cardinia area,” Mr O’Donohue said.