The greatest accolade

President of Outlook Edwin Hume presented Brian Paynter with a Life Governorship of the organisation. Pictures: STEWART CHAMBERS 126369_01


ONE of Cardinia’s most community-minded residents has described a Life Governorship of Outlook as his “greatest community achievement.”
Last week, Brian Paynter was recognised by one of the state’s leading disability service providers.
After an involvement spanning 16 years, Mr Paynter said he was humbled to be presented with a Life Governorship at Viale in Pakenham, last Thursday 28 August.
“It was really humbling to be honoured in that regard,” he said.
My Paynter was vice-president for 10 of those years and said he was first asked to join the committee because of his financial skills.
“Being a chartered accountant, I was asked by the treasurer at the time to come on board to strengthen its financial skills,” he said.
The Berwick man said this involvement gave him a great insight into one of the state’s leading disability service providers.
“It’s provided me with a great opportunity to learn more about the life of those people and how I can help,” he said.
Outlook President Edwin Hume said not only had Brian had involvement, but said it has been “quality involvement.”
“Your loyal and staunch support of Outlook’s mission has been significant in improving the lives of people with disability and their inclusion into the life of the community,” he said.
Based in Pakenham, as well as being a service provider for the disability community, Outlook also operates as a community centre, which offers short courses.
My Paynter said he was proud of the direction Outlook has taken in the past couple of years.
“I am really proud of where Outlook has come from,” he said.
“It has established itself as a big disability service provider and social enterprise in the area.”
Outlook is also happy to welcome two new additions to its board – Lisa O’Sullivan who has joined in the past couple of months and Kimberly Flannagan who has been on board for nearly a year.
Mr Paynter, who recently stepped down from the Outlook committee, said both women would add an enormous amount to the board.