Growing interest

AUSTRALIAN plants have made it big overseas.
A talk by Alex Smart on the use of Australian plants overseas will be held at the monthly meeting of the Australian Plants Society at Wilson Botanic Park, Princes Highway, Berwick, on Tuesday 8 July, at 7.45pm in the admin building.
Many different countries have found that the adaptable plants of Australia have made a new home. The fast growth rate and freedom from pests makes them idea to use in timber harvesting, regeneration projects, soil stabilisation and garden design. However, like some foreign plants here, Australian plants overseas have also become weeds, competing with the local plants.
The Australian Plants Society maintains the native plants in the Wilson Botanic Park carpark. The group has its annual plant sale on 7 September. Come along to a meeting and see what’s in flower to brighten the cold winter months.
All are welcome and supper will be served at the conclusion of the evening.
For further details visit