Great day for a super shave

Dylan has a laugh at his dad David Glazzard getting his head shaved.


FROM Gembrook’s animal whispering veterinarian to the Tynong CFA chief, Cardinia Shire is getting behind the World’s Greatest Shave.
At Lang Lang Primary School, 11-year-old Tiah Cavigan had her head shaved while the entire school cheered her on.
She said it felt “different” but she was happy to support the cause in memory of her great aunty who passed away from leukaemia.
Tynong’s fire crew turned out to watch Captain Glazzard have his head shaved more than a decade after he decided to grow it out.
In Pakenham, four of the team at the Cardinia Automotive Repair Services took part and had their heads shaved or coloured for the fund-raiser.
They also put on a barbecue and one brave boy even had his legs waxed.
On Saturday, Gembrook came together to watch local MP Brad Battin shave Gembrook vet Tom Cook’s hair at Belvedere Hairdressing on Main Street.
There was a sausage sizzle, kids’ activities and entertainment at the Gembrook event.