Rain dampens play

OFFICERPremier grade had a draw due to the rain, with Beaconsfield 3/135 when play was abandoned.
Jarrod Goodes was the pick of the bowlers with 2/25 and Chris Savage’s good bowling form continued with 1/13 with Daniel Savage 0/17 from seven overs also bowling tightly.
The team will be fired up to win this weekend’s clash at Kooweerup.

@BT Sub Sport Gaz:CGRADE

The Bullants C Grade side warmed up for this week’s clash with Catani in a good bowling and fielding display to bowl Beaconsfield out for 29 in 31 overs and to win by 370 runs.
Kevin Quinn bowled a great spell to take 4/17 and Adam Reid with 2/6 from five overs also did a good job with the new ball.
Brett Reid took a wicket and bowled with plenty of pace and he and Brent Pullen took good slips catches. C grade take on Catani at Officer in this weekend’s semi final.

@BT Sub Sport Gaz:UNDER15

Under 15s lost by just four runs to Pakenham, losing 136 to 140 all out. T. Armstrong made 20 not out.
Nathan Selleck made 18 and Lachy Porter top scored with a great knock of 37. Jesse Longmuir with 10 was the other main contributor.
The under-15s are at home this weekend in the semi-final game against Upper Beaconsfield.

@BT Sub Sport Gaz:UnDER13

Finishing the year fielding against Nar Nar Goon/Maryknoll Blue, Officer Green knew they were in for a tough task to stop the visitors reaching a target of 133 runs.
Despite some good bowling by Anthony, Dylan (two wickets each), Billy (one wicket), Angus and Andrew there was some sloppy fielding and dropped catches by The Bullants that saw the home side on target and declaring at 160 runs with 11 overs remaining to try for an outright win.
Officer got sent in again to bat and batted well finishing the day on 62 runs (Dylan retired 31 runs and Angus 20 runs).
Officer Gold went into their last match of the season hoping to have some fun in front of their home crowd and, of course, try have a win against a similar aged team.
Captain’s Tyler Clark and Mitch Whitham won the toss and thought it would be a good idea to bat first.
The batting kicked off with Jesse Longmuir and Tyler Clark opening the batting well. They hit 13 off the first over and in the fourth over of play Jesse Longmuir already retired blasting 20 not out with one six and two fours.
New batsmen Caleb Mannering turned the strike over to Tyler Clark and Tyler belted 21 not out with four fours.
It was Officer Gold’s best start to the year at 0/57 after 10 overs with two new batsmen in.
Caleb Mannering and Mitch Whitham pushed the run rate along with Mitch Retiring on 20 not out with one four and not long after that Caleb Mannering retiring on 20 not out.
Officer Gold were in cruise control with no wickets down and 0/95 after 20 overs. Jesse Rogers was bowled for 1 and Jordyn Carlin and Josh Martin were also dismissed.
That bought number nine batsmen Ash Smith in and he had a swing but didn’t last long either and suddenly Officer Gold were at 4/100 with two overs left.
Coen Jones did a good job with the bat as a tail ender but the boys’ great start didn’t turn out as good as it could have with a run-out on the last ball – the side made 6/103 off the maximum 25 overs.
The Bullants knew they could definitely defend it and it started well with one of the best bowlers Tyler Clark picking up an early wicket and so did Josh Martin and Jesse Rogers.
A run-out from Tyler Clark and Caleb Mannering made things even better and it started to look like going for an outright win was possible.
Officer knocked the opposition over for 31 off 12.4 overs and nine overs to bowl them all out again.
Best Bowling: Marcus Hole 2/3, Tyler Clark 2/4, Josh Martin 1/4, Jesse Rogers 1/3, Tom Hill one double wicket maiden 2/0 and Mitch Whitham 0/0.
Ash Smith and Mitch Whitham – one great catch as wicket keeper and one catch in the field.
One catch each to Jesse Longmuir and Caleb Mannering.
One assisted run out to Caleb Mannering and Tyler Clark.
The second innings wasn’t as good as the first innings but a positive was that Officer got them 2/44 off the nine overs and Tyler Clark who had a chance of the league bowling aggregate got two wickets in the first innings and finished off in a high position for the league bowling (most wickets.)
Best bowling in the second innings was Ash Smith 1/2 off one over and Jesse Longmuir 1/10 off two.
All players in both under-13 sides have showed remarkable improvement over the season and should be congratulated on their efforts.
The club’s senior and junior presentation will be held at the clubrooms on Sunday 28 March with lunch provided.