Lang Lang ladies day

MEMBERS played competition medal on Wednesday 3 March with 24 players, AWCR 74 nett, buffer 76 nett.
Division-one winner: Sara Beale gross 87, (handicap 15), nett 72. Next best score: Yvonne Trask 91, (14), 77. Division-two winner: Jean Wallace 116, (43), 73.
Next best score: Cheryl Stockdale 108, (28), 80. Putting: Yvonne Trask 30 points on a count back. Medal winner: Sara Beale. Nearest the pin on the 5th: Avis Wheeler.
Down-the-line balls five: Sara Beale 72 nett, Jean Wallace 73, Yvonne Trask 77, Bev Kitchin 78, Cheryl Stockdale 80.