Residents are as safe as houses


RESIDENTS in Cardinia shire are safer than the average Victorian when it comes to risk of home burglaries.
On average, one in 77 households in Cardinia shire were burgled in 2014-15.
The growing municipality was rated safer than average state-wide according to the RACV crime data, with one in 67 Victorian homes targeted by burglars in the past 12-months.
However, home safety in Officer appears a lot grimmer.
According to the RACV, one house in every 13 in Officer was burgled in 2014-15 – pushing it to the top of the risk list.
However, the RACV did note that the figures were based on a population of less than 1000 households.
Pakenham households were considered to be at a slightly greater risk than the shire average, with one in 70 households burgled in the last financial year.
Figures for Gembrook, with one in 214 households burgled, and the combined figures for Tynong and Tynong North, with one in 254 homes burgled, showed the towns to be the safest places to live in the shire.
Cardinia Crime Investigation Unit (CIU) Detective Sergeant Phil Jury confirmed a rise in home burglaries in Cardinia shire with an increasing trend of burglars searching for car keys and stealing cars and other items.
RACV Home Services general manager Aaron Flavell said Cardinia shire residents should not become complacent despite their higher than average safety rating.
“While there are often complex reasons why some areas have higher burglary rates than others, home owners can effectively reduce their chance of being burgled by increasing the would-be burglar’s risk of being disturbed or caught,” Mr Flavell said.
“Research shows that burglars are less likely to target a property if a security system is present, so consider installing a security alarm system monitored by a back-to-base monitoring centre.
“Thieves look for easy entry into homes so make sure that your doors and windows are well secured with locks made to Australian standards and that you lock up when you go out – even for short periods.
“It is also important to have home and contents insurance in case the worst should happen.”
The City of Greater Dandenong was rated the home burglary capital of the south east, with one in every 53 households targeted in 2014-15.