South East Water sets net zero target

South East Water have committed to reaching net zero emissions by 2050. Picture: ON FILE.

By Parker McKenzie

South East Water has joined the United Nation’s (UN) Race to Zero campaign and committed to reaching net zero emissions by 2050 at the latest.

Race to Zero is an important part of the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) currently happening in Glasgow.

South East Water said in a statement it is committed to reaching net zero emissions by 2050 at the latest and has joined 21 water utility companies from the UK, Australia and New Zealand in setting the target.

South East Water managing director Lara Olsen said the commitment to net zero emissions is a key part of creating a better world for future generations.

“The water industry is a huge contributor to carbon emissions across the globe, but also at the forefront of trying to minimise the impacts of our operations,” she said.

“We use significant amounts of electricity to deliver fresh clean water and to treat waste water that gets flushed down the drain, but we also understand our obligation and duty to protect our environment and water sources,”

South East Water’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions include installing solar panels at water recycling plants, providing 40 per cent of the power for the Mt Martha water recycling plant through biogas produced with organic matter and introducing hybrid vehicles into its fleet.

Ms Olsen said COP26 is bringing together some of the most innovative idea on the planet, but there are also domestic projects which can reduce emissions.

“Using emerging technology our biosolid to biochar collaboration reduces the emissions used to transport the product for agricultural use,” Ms Olesen said.

“By adopting a circular economy approach and embracing innovation, technology and research we can achieve huge benefits for our environment, customers and community.” Ms Olsen said.