Playground pleas: stay away

People blatantly disregarding closure signs at a Pakenham park.

By Mitchell Clarke

Repeated pleas from government agencies – and the deadly threat of coronavirus – doesn’t appear to be enough to deter some people from doing the wrong thing.

Closed parks and playgrounds across the Cardinia Shire are still being used by locals, prompting calls for local law officers and more police to patrol popular public places.

A number of people have reportedly been seen allowing their children to play on closed playgrounds across Pakenham.

One witness, who wishes to remain anonymous, claims she watched a man throw a closed sign into nearby bushes before ripping down red tape around the playground.

“I just don’t believe these people. They think it’s their given right. They have no regard for other people,” the witness said.

Another person, JJ Collett, witnessed a group of about six children – aged between three and 11 – playing on equipment at Dragon Park on Sunday 26 July.

“It was then my daughter said ‘look Daddy them kids are on the playground’, and I had to explain to her that they shouldn’t be,” he said.

“My message to people is to just do your small part so we aren’t stuck in lockdown longer than we need to be, as the impact this is having on people’s mental health far outweighs the pandemic.”

People continue to brazenly ignore clear closure signs and gates at Mount Cannibal to walk the popular trail.

Groups of people continue to break through closed fences to climb Mount Cannibal.

Cardinia Shire Council pandemic response and emergency management manager Kristen Jackson said the situation would continue to be monitored.

“We are disappointed that some people are ignoring the reserve closure signage,” Ms Jackson said.

“Council urges our community to comply with the Victorian Government’s Stage 3 ‘Stay at Home’ restrictions, which include the closure of all playgrounds, and to comply with the closure of Mount Cannibal Flora and Fauna Reserve.

“Council, in conjunction with Victoria Police, will continue to monitor the situation at Mount Cannibal Reserve.”

Breaches of Stage 3 restrictions are enforced by Victoria Police, and the community is encouraged to report breaches to the Police Assistance Line on 131 444.

It comes as footage circulated online of people deliberately not wearing face masks in a bid to push their own Covid ideologies.

Victoria Police deputy commissioner Rick Nugent said despite a number of incidents over the weekend, the “selfish behaviour” appeared to be in the minority.

“The vast majority of people are doing the right thing to protect the health and safety of our community,” D/Comm Nugent said.

“However, the behaviour of those who blatantly choose to disregard the rules on the insistence their human rights being breached is alarming.

“My message to anyone planning to break the rules is simple: no one has a human right to infect other people and place the entire Victoria community at risk.”