Bush food has all the ingredients

The bush food craze is taking local cafe and restaurant industries by storm. Picture: TATTERS, Flickr, Creative Commons.


GEMBROOK will play host to a bush food workshop circulating around the state throughout October.
The Port Phillip and Westernport Catchment Management Authority (PPWCMA), with the support of the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme, will host a bush food workshop in Gembrook on Saturday 17 October.
It will include tastings and tips on how farmers can incorporate bush foods into their enterprise.
Regional Landcare facilitator for the PPWCMA Karen Thomas said farmers should look at capitalising on the booming bush food craze.
“These workshops will provide information on identifying, growing and harvesting bush foods as well as marketing opportunities for landholders,” she said.
“Bush foods are creating a buzz amongst consumers and within the restaurant industry.
“They are an emerging product as diners and chefs alike to grow their interest in traditional superfoods.”
Guest speakers at the workshops will include Neville Bonney, ethnobotanist and wattle seed grower, the Australian Native Food Industry, the Australian Agroforestry Foundation and representatives from the restaurant industry.
Registration is $10 with all funds going directly to Landcare networks.
For information, phone Karen on 0427 480 170.