Isolated, but raring to go

Contributed by Tim Gray

By Jonathan Mcquie

After developing a cough and sore throat at work, nurse Tim Gray had to be tested for coronavirus, as is mandated for any healthcare worker with respiratory symptoms.

In his workplace, more and more employees are being tested, and they’re taking extra care to ensure that Personal Protective Equipment as put on and taken off appropriately.

“I have not yet nursed someone who has tested positive for the virus. But the general rules apply – regular and good quality handwashing, and good cough etiquette.”

While he waits for results to return, he’s been under mandatory isolation at home in Pakenham.

“I’ve been staying in my part of the house (an extension originally built for my grandmother). Whenever I’ve needed to leave, I’ve worn a mask. I’ve been entering and exiting through my own door so as to minimise exposure to the rest of the family.”

The self-focused attitudes demonstrated by members of the public over the weekend have certainly caused a level of frustration.

“We’re in this for the long haul, and as a society we need to think a little less selfishly. It will do us good in the long run.”

Though he’s spent the time reasonably productively, catching up on university readings, talking with lecturers, and rewatching Scrubs, he’d much prefer to be back on the job.

“As soon as I’m clear to return to work, I will. It’s always nice to have time off, but I’d rather it be on my terms.”