‘Age friendly’ survey of seniors


CARDINIA Shire has invited senior residents aged over 50 to complete an ‘age friendly’ survey.
This comes shortly after the shire was recognised as an Age Friendly City by the World Health Organisation; a global network of groups aiming to create communities that appeal to and support seniors as they age.
As part of the Cardinia Shire Age Friendly Strategy 2015-’19, the survey hopes to create a snapshot as to how ‘age friendly’ Cardinia Shire is from the perspective of its senior residents and would consider what factors affect quality of life.
This strategy is part of Cardinia Shire’s commitment to providing opportunities for older people to maintain physical and mental health, feel safe, participate fully in the community and stay connected to others.
All information obtained from the survey would be kept strictly confidential.
Residents are encouraged to complete the survey by Sunday 31 July at www.surveymonkey.com/r/AgeFriendlySurveyCardinia.